Please follow our rules and enjoy the show!
Rules and Regulations of the Super 322 Drive-In Theatre
Set your radio to 88.5 FM or 640 AM. No loud radios tuned to another radio station or playing your own CD's. Be familiar with the operation of your vehicle and know how to shut off your headlights. If you are unsure if your lights can be turned off while running your radio, bring a portable radio and tune to 88.5 FM, or rent one of ours available at the ticket office.
SPEED LIMIT on the grounds is 4 mph.
NO ADMISSION TO THE GROUNDS prior to the scheduled opening time. All patrons must go to the ticket office and purchase their tickets before entering the field.
RE-ENTERING RULE: Anyone who wants to leave before the show is over and wishes to return must pay again at the ticket office. The exception is firemen and EMT's on call.
IF YOU FORGOT something and call for someone to bring it to you, you must walk to & meet that person at the entrance, not the exit, and inform management at the ticket office. The person making the delivery must park outside the fence. Under no circumstances, do you interfere with patrons entering the theatre. If YOU wish to leave to get something you forgot, you must walk to the ticket office & get permission to return.
NO ALCOHOLIC beverages permitted in the snack shop or restrooms. No kegs or glass bottles are permitted on the grounds.
Barbecue grills or open burning of any kind is STRICTLY PROHIBITED on this property. This includes fireworks.
No smoking in the snack shop or restrooms. THIS IS STATE LAW. Please stay at least 10 feet away from these doorways.
You must wear shoes at all times. Although we have gone to great lengths to pick up rocks, sticks, etc we cannot be responsible for injuries resulting from falls on the grounds. Please be careful where you step and keep in mind this is an outdoor environment.
Parents are responsible for their children. Know where they are at all times. Accompany them to the restrooms and snack bar. If children are creating a noise disruption during the movie, the parents will be asked to leave.
Car hatches may be opened no higher than the roof of the car. Cord will be provided to tie down your hatch, if you cannot adjust the height.
Please put your trash in the cans on either side of the snack shop.
Please apply your parking brake for everyone's safety.
For your safety, no one is permitted to sit or lie on top of a vehicle.
Dogs must be on a leash. You are responsible for cleaning up after your pet. Dog walking is permitted along the back row and each side of the field, but not in the play area in front of the screen.
We, at the Super 322 Drive-In Theatre ownership, management and staff assume no liability for any personal property damage caused by our patrons.
No outside food or beverage permitted unless you are displaying your OUTSIDE FOOD & BEVERAGE PERMIT on your dashboard. No sharing of your outside food or beverage with those who came in another vehicle unless that person also purchased a permit. Permit fee will double when you are caught in violation in the field. Permits are purchased at the ticket office upon entering at a cost of $15 per vehicle. We exempt baby food and an open bottle of water you may have on your trip to the theatre, but a cooler full of water is not allowed and requires a permit. No tables permitted! We do not allow tables as this is not a picnic area; it is a movie theatre!
Any violation of the above rules can result in expulsion without refund.
Thanks for your cooperation,
The Management